Friday, August 12, 2011

Dear Photograph:

You absolutely NEED to check this out!! Dear Photograph is a unique blog that showcases pictures from the past, merged into the present. I spent SO much time looking at each and every photo with their caption, some are humorous and others very emotional. I love this concept, and feel very inspired to submit my own "Dear Photograph". Enjoy!

Dear Photograph: 15 years ago Dad took his boy fishing. Today I finally reeled in 3!!
Dear Photograph: Oh to be young again...
Dear Photograph: Dad is gone... but the strength of his arms will always be around us.
Dear Photograph: My parents got divorced when I was 9 years old. I have no memory of hem ever being happy together.
Dear Photograph: I wish I could still Hola Hoop like I used to.
Dear Photograph: I will always have my parents to lean on. 
Dear Photograph: Oh how I long for the days of make-believe adventures in the forest. Now it's just a lawn that needs mowing.
Dear Photograph: I fell in love with a woman.I'm not ready to let go... but she is.
Dear Photograph: I drained 3's all day!!
Dear Photograph: Thank you for everything we had.
Dear Photograph: Je t'aime Paris, but I love my mother more. After 15 years, she finally brought me along!
Dear Photograph: That's how you grow a beard.

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